Last Updated: February 9, 2014
We read this newsletter every day.
Yeah, the guy who did Fritz the Cat, Wizards, and the first rotoscope version of LotR...and that Fire & Ice movie that we just saw at the Trylon...
The Best Bio of E. A. Poe ever. At least until we find a better one.
The Best Copyright-Free Photo Libraries is a handy reference over at the Dor Gov Watch site and details a bunch of online, public domain photos that are all yours for the low price of free.
This dovetails directly into Best Photos site, where besides the nice collections of flowers, mountains, etc. they have over a thousand uncategorized photos that might be more useful for potential RPG-type usage...just saying...
I was researching Beowulf at one point. This site is particularly good, if you're likewise digging into this hoary old classic.
From the site: "Beyond Victoriana is the oldest-running blog about multicultural steampunk and retro-futurism--that is, steampunk outside of a Western-dominant, Eurocentric framework. Founded in 2009,Beyond Victoriana focuses on non-Western cultures, underrepresented minorities in Western histories (Asian / Pacific Islander, Middle Eastern, First Nation, Hispanic, black / African & other marginalized identities), and the cultural intersection between the West and the non-West."
This is an amazing blog that will let you while away the hours looking at all the pretty pictures--there is a very high Rabbit Hole Index on this one!
This site will give you plenty to ponder.
All the cool French pulps, comics and more--translated into English.
Essential information on the copyright realities of H. P. Lovecraft's fiction that we wish a lot of people had read/known about long, long ago...
The ultimate repository of Blackmoor Materials on the net.
This is a site that will give you access to all sorts of blueprints, diagrams, etc. You can request vector-versions of some of the schematics and diagrams as well. A thoroughly useful site.
One of the coolest robots you not have ever heard about. go here and find out all about this amazing specimen of mechanical manhood.
Packs a lot of interesting stuff into their website, and it is well worth taking a look at, especially if you've never spent a few hours reading through everything ...
If you write, then read this blog. Really.
a treasure trove looted from across the world during the height of the largest and greatest empire in history (so far), and it's all made available to anyone, anywhere with the click of a mouse.