By chance -- perhaps the 'Guinness' (Coconut Porter from the local brew-pub actually, but I thought that would get too complicated for the non beer-inclined) offered up to Dame Fortune last night did some good after all -- as I just spotted this post on Under Water Caves at Dungeons & Digressions, a blog that I have found a lot of fun to follow, particularly as I am working on the Urban Spelunking Section of my Riskail project and doing a batch of geomorphs and other maps and more maps. So many maps. Maps. Maps. Maps. You can head over to the floridacaves website and dig through all their cool stuff, or if you are in a hurry, or under a tight deadline, Ze Bulette has provided a wonderful pre-zipped and copyright-free set of a selection of these maps of Underwater Caves that you can download from his blog for free just by dropping by and clicking on the link provided. That is just too damn cool. And handy. Thanks dude! And I thought that Minnesota had a lot of caves and underground sites to explore. Maybe I'll find a suitable location for the Spawn of Dagon out of Kuttner's Elak of Atlantis in one of these caves, or maybe not. Unlike Lovecraft, Kuttner's work is still under copyright, I believe. Though I thought I remembered them being included in one or another edition of Call of Cthulhu...
But honestly, I'd rather find a cave full Canadian liquor left-over from the days of rum-runners and of bootleggers. Mmmmm Beeerrr, as the Great Homer of S'imp'Sahn would mutter in the throes of his unspeakable ecstasies.
IA! (mumble mumble) FTAGN! (mumble mumble) Something else suitably unpronounceable, etc., etc.
Why do I smell donuts?