Thanks to Blair over at Planet Algol for the heads-up about Terminal Space, a new Space Fantasy supplement for OD&D.
According to the Terminal Space blog, the supplement is not quite finished (the current version 1.1 is available as a free download), and it is undergoing some expansion and creative development that sounds promising such as new spells (Control Robot!), fungal battlecruisers and more. Fun stuff! I just downloaded the free .pdf and hope to give it a thorough read-through early next week, once I get caught-up on Riskail and other projects.
The notion of Mi-Go as player characters really sounds like some seriously Old School fun. What's not to like about Lovecraft and Spaceships? It's a pefect combination.
Ever since reading Lovecraft's In the Walls of Eryx back in High School, I've kicked around the idea for a Lovecraftian Space Opera, but it just never really took off. Maybe this cool new OD&D supplement will breathe some weird new life into those old notes. Who knows; maybe the stars are finally right once and for all...