Some links regarding Acephali
- Wikipedia on Acephali
- Muses' Realm on the Acephali from Mythology
- The Encyclopedia Mythica at Pantheon on Acephali
- Wiktionary on Acephali -- this one is a little more helpful in sorting out the various sub-types
- Freedictionary on Acephali -- but hey, it's free, right?
- The Catholic Encyclopedia at New Advent site: very helpful on the ecclesiastical end of things
- really puts it all together nicely--the Acephali and the Blemmyes--they're essentially the same critter, historically, legendarily, but not necessarily for our nefarious purposes...and they add the Sternopthalmoi to the mix. More monsters are always cool, right?
Some links regarding Blemmyes
- Wikipedia on Blemmyes
- Freedictionary has a bit more to offer us on Blemmyes
- Wiktionary wants an entry, maybe some other time
- Encyclopedia Mythica on Blemmyes. A whole sentence. Wow.
- We have no Blemmyes at Muses' Realm, but they do have loads of other mythical creatures
So looking over these various links, a few books that we have on hand and after a trip to the local library, here is a quick-list of monsters we're going to stat-up for Labyrinth Lord, Mutant Future,
- Acephali for Labyrinth Lord Two Sub-Types of Acephali at Zalchis
- Acephali for OD&D/Swords & Wizardry
- Acephali as a mutation for Mutant Future: ---
- Blemmyes for Labyrinth Lord
- Blemmyes for OD&D/Swords & Wizardry
- Blemmyae as a mutation for Mutant Future: ---
- Pseudo-Acephali for Labyrinth Lord
- Pseudo-Acephali for OD&D/Swords & Wizardry
- 'Removable Head' as a mutation for Mutant Future: ---
- Sternopthalmoi for Labyrinth Lord
- Sternopthalmoi for OD&D/Swords & Wizardry
- 'Chest Eyes' as a mutation for Mutant Future: ---
We'll update the links here as the other posts go live.